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Frequently Asked Questions

How does Therapprove match my child to a therapist?

To match your child with the right therapist, we request that you provide their name, age, diagnosis, therapy needs, location, and insurance information.

What areas do you service?

Therapprove was founded in and currently services the state of Indiana

What is Therapprove?

Therapprove is an innovative online platform designed to help caregivers easily find and connect with pediatric therapists across various disciplines.

Is it free to join Therapprove?

Yes, using Therapprove to find the best therapists for your child is completely free for families.

What is “ping”? Is it the same as booking an appointment?

In the Therapprove app, a “ping” is a request sent to a therapist to provide services for your child. Note: This is not the same as booking an appointment.

How much will therapy service cost?

Cost for service is individualized based on your therapist and/or insurance provider.

I’m not sure what type of therapy my child needs. Who should I talk to?

If you have concerns about your child’s need for therapy, we recommend contacting your child’s pediatrician or primary care provider as soon as possible.

What is a Therapprove recommendation and how can I make one?

After each appointment made through Therapprove, you will receive an email requesting feedback about your experience. This feedback helps other families make informed decisions.

How do I cancel or reschedule a therapy appointment?

To cancel or reschedule an appointment, please contact the therapist directly.