Therapprove Logo

Finding the right Pediatric Therapist is hard, really hard.

Therapprove is here to fix that.

Average Wait Time to start Therapy?
6 weeks
Therapprove Provider Repsonse Time?
72 hours


Therapprove is available on both iOS and Android, offering a seamless experience across all your devices. Our intuitive interface ensures you can easily navigate and find the right resources with just a few taps.


Smart Match

Our advanced matching algorithm analyzes your child’s specific needs to connect you with the most suitable therapists tailored to your child's unique requirements and your insurance requirements.


Direct Connect

Once you find a potential provider, you can easily "ping" them to initiate contact. The therapist can then accept or decline the connection, streamlining the process of starting your child's therapy.


Verified Reviews

All reviews on Therapprove are verified, ensuring that you can trust the feedback from other caregivers. This helps you make informed decisions based on genuine experiences from families like yours.

Get started for Free
Caregivers can install and use Therapprove on iOS or Android, Completely free