Join our innovative Queue system to connect with multiple therapy providers and reduce wait times for essential care.
Join the Queue →Submit your child's information to our unified waitlist. Share your child's diagnosis and insurance details once, and get connected with multiple therapy providers.
Clinics matching your child's needs will reach out directly when they have openings. Our team is available to help you evaluate providers and answer any questions about specialties or scheduling.
By sharing one queue among multiple clinics, your child can be seen more quickly. Access a comprehensive range of therapies including ABA, mental health, occupational, physical, recreational, and speech therapy.
Therapy can't wait. Therapprove's Queue system connects you with multiple providers to reduce wait times and get your child the care they need faster than ever before.
Join the Queue NowNo, joining the Queue is completely free for parents. You only pay for therapy services once you've connected with a provider.
Response times vary, but our shared queue system is designed to expedite the process by connecting you with multiple providers simultaneously.
Yes, you have complete flexibility to select the provider that best fits your child's needs and your family's schedule.
We connect you with providers offering ABA, mental health, occupational, physical, recreational, musical, and speech therapy services.
Our team is here to support you every step of the way. Contact us with any questions about the Queue system or finding the right therapy for your child.