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Delivering a diagnosis can be challenging, and guiding families through the search for pediatric therapy can be even harder.
By recommending Therapprove, you provide caregivers with free tools to easily connect with therapists who meet their child’s specific needs. Let us be a part of your best practice, helping pave the way for your patients to achieve the best outcomes.
Partner with Therapprove in family court to make finding pediatric therapy easier for distressed families. Our platform allows caregivers to conveniently connect with a variety of therapists, offering both insurance-based and government-qualified options—all free of charge.
Let Therapprove be your trusted ally in ensuring children receive the therapy they need swiftly and efficiently.
Looking for additional Therapprove materials to share with families? Request a package below. Together, we can enhance their onboarding process and help them discover the best therapeutic options for their child.